Convertor has a great community of coders helping eachother get the most out of the library.

Wheather you Need Help, want to Report A Bug, Request a New Feature or just want to Say Thanks there is someone here to help.

Getting Support

Having trouble getting Convertor setup? A feature not working the way you think it should? Then there are plenty of ways you can get help.

  • Checkout the Quick Start Guide for a demo on getting up and running quickly.
  • Have a look at the working Examples to see if one of those fits the bill.
  • Search the Documentation for a guide to the section that is giving you trouble.
  • If you are still out of luck, head over to our Issues Page on GitHub and have a search, see if someone else has already solved your problem. If not, ask your own question, one of the community will get back to you within hours with a helpful response.

Found A Bug?

Is Convertor behaving strangely, have you found a bug? Don't panic, we can fix that in a jiffy!

  • Head over to our Issues Page on GitHub and have a search to see if anyone else has had the same issue. If so include any info you have from your bug to help us solve the problem faster.
  • If you can't find the issue already? Create your own. Include as much detail as possible to help us find that pesky bug. A copy of the section of offending code would be great, info on what you are trying to achieve, all that good stuff.

Request a New Feature

Have you just had a spark of inspiration? or found that convertor is missing that critical feature that would make your life much easier? why not let us know and we will see what we can do to help out.

  • Head over to our Issues Page on GitHub and have a search, see if someone has already requested the same feature, if so, add your thoughts to the conversation, help guide how Convertor develops.
  • If you can't find the feature already create a new issue and let us know what features we can add to Convertor to bring a touch of sunshine to your day.

Want to Say Thanks

Enjoying Convertor? Wanna say thanks to the chap who built it? Aren’t you a lovely person

If you want to show your support for Convertor, please head over to our GitHub Page and click that Star button in top right hand corner to show other users what you think. Better yet, why not introduce your developer friends to Convertor, see if you can make their coding a bit easier too!